Our Mission

The purpose of the Friends of the Friendswood Public Library is to support the Library’s mission and vision to engage, educate, entertain, and empower the community. Through our sponsorship and funding of programs, cultural events, and other library services, we aim to promote public awareness of our Library resources, achievements, and needs. The Friends of the Library is a 501c3 charitable organization.

Be a Friend

Not only do Friends receive priority access to the Library Book Sale, we get to support a variety of Library initiatives. Monies raised by the Friends through memberships, donations, book sales, and fundraising support Library non-budgeted Children’s, Youth, and Adult Programs along with operations.

The Friends support the following (and more):

Events: Astro’s Orbit Day, Splash Pad Story Time, 4th of July Craft Party, Book Sales

Programs: Summer Reading Club, Guest Speakers, Movie Night

Prizes: Poetry Contest, Library Week

Library Staff Development & Celebrations

Operations: Meeting Rooms, Library Equipment, Holiday Decorations

Membership Dues

Friends of the Library accept members year-round! Dues are paid annually. The following are the available membership categories:

Corporate Sponsor: $500

Business Patron: $250

Library Patron: $100

Sustaining Member: $50

Contributing Member: $25

Family Member: $20

Individual Member: $10

Meetings & Events

Friends are encouraged to attend and volunteer at Library programs and events. The Friends meet bi-monthly at the Library on the first Tuesday of the month at which time updates are provided by the Friends President, Library Director, and other leadership. During the meeting, Friends make decisions regarding sponsorship of Library events and distribution of funds.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira